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6 Ways to Practice Self-Love with Self-Care app LIFE Intelligence

Nobody is perfect, and being willing to sympathetically accept this inherent quality of humanness leads to a more positive emotional state. You can learn more about shame and regret (and how to address these feelings) in.

Which Mental Health Resource is Best for You?

Finding the right mental health resource is like trying new foods; sometimes it can be absolutely mind-blowing and life changing. But sometimes, it just isn’t for you and that is ok.

The Truth about Mental Health Apps: Opportunities & Obstacles

In a world where we can buy fake followers, fake likes, and fake review, though, the app store has gotten recent negative press about. scams and fake reviews.

Constantly Seeking Societal Acceptance Can Lead to Shame: Find Perfection in Yourself

Constantly Seeking Societal Acceptance Can Lead to Shame: Find Perfection in Yourself. What causes us to feel. shame. ? Shame is a stronger emotion than embarrassment and is centered around a view that you personally have done something wrong.

Breaking Habits: Psychology of Lasting Behavior Change

Some motivating factors, according to Fogg, include seeking pleasure/avoiding pain, finding hope/reducing fear, and striving for acceptance/minimizing rejection.

9 Reasons to Invest in Transformational Leadership

Just as affective organizational commitment is vital to increase job performance, affective team commitment is essential for transformational leaders to establish team effectiveness.

Reaching Consummate Love: Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

Commitment. is described as the result of two decisions: you decide you love and care for another, and then you decide to keep loving them over time. In a relationship, this is the difference between dating and marriage. Do you love your partner?

The Little Things That Matter: Small Steps to a Stronger Relationship

Relationships are built on a foundation of. trust, kindness, and commitmen. t between. loving partners. The little things we do for our partners—taking note when they are tired, engaging with their levels of excitement, etc.

How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Affect Mental Health & Adult Relationships

Google searches of phrases related to parents abusing children and how to report and identify child abuse have risen due to the pandemic.

7 Leadership Styles to Guide Through the COVID Crisis

Traditionally, this style of leadership was found to be negatively associated with workplace outcomes such as employee performance, organizational commitment and team interaction, however it is still prevalent nowadays.

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