How LIFE Intelligence helped me Pass Freshman Calculus

Student Reflection: Kellyn Langton, 2019 Dean's List Recipient at Bradley University

What did you think of the LIFE Intelligence app?

My overall impression of this program was a very positive one. I really enjoyed it because it gave me an opportunity to sit down, relax, and reflect on my life in a safe environment. When Dr. Chen first explained the LIFE Intelligence app and explained that we would have to do it every week I just thought of it as busy work; something to just get done and mark off the list every week. But even after the first mission I realized that it actually was helping my life and creating a healthier mindset.

LIFE Intelligence: Self Development

What did you like most about LIFE Intelligence?

One of the main features that I really took away from the program was how it was structured. It gave statistics and facts behind its reasoning of why our minds think the way they do. It made me feel more normal for having the emotions and struggles I have in everyday life, and it taught me how to positively deal with the hard times. It not only gives you suggestions on how to make situations better, it gives you the option to discuss the struggles and reason through them yourself.

How did LIFE Intelligence help you?

LIFE Intelligence helped me in many ways. For example, at the beginning of the year I was struggling with Calculus 2. It was a rough start for me because we started with the hardest chapter (chapter 8) and it wasn’t instantly clicking with me, something that had never happened before. Calculus has always been my best subject, and the fact that I was having a hard time really upset me. But I remember doing Mission 1 of LIFE, “Identifying and Managing Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors.” This Mission showed me that I had to control my emotions before they controlled me, specifically that I had to change my thoughts about calculus and not let it deter me but motivate me to work harder and do better.

LIFE Intelligence: Understand You

Wow! How did it go?

I am proud to say that it actually worked, and at the end of the semester I have over 100% in the class. This is just one example of how LIFE Intelligence helped me, but there are many others that I could think of. Some main takeaways from the program were: identifying and managing your behaviors (specifically unhealthy ones), you have the power to change your life, recognizing and growing from your mistakes, have goals, how to minimize anxiety, your role in relationships and society, healthy communication, and finally becoming a leader. These are just some of the main takeaways I have and that made me really self-evaluate my life as an 18-year-old woman engineer.

How would you improve this app for students?

The LIFE Intelligence app overall is a fantastic program in my opinion. It helps instill healthy self-evaluation while forming positive thoughts and behaviors. It does it in a way that lets you form your own thesis and lets you vent out whatever struggles you’re having in your life. I honestly cannot think of any ways the program can be more helpful for students because it is what you make of it – what you get out of it is what you put into it. In my opinion the creators designed a superior program that helps promote self-development in an interactive, fun way. I cannot think of any ways this program could be any better!

LIFE Intelligence: Better You

Would you recommend the LIFE Intelligence app to others?

I would one hundred percent recommend this to everyone. No matter what stage you are at in life, this program can help you. It addresses normal human struggles and helps promote growth and development in a healthy manner. It not only gives facts and statistics to prove what they’re saying is true, it gives you room to explore and investigate your own life and talk about whatever you feel like. It really helped me during my first semester because it was difficult transitioning from high school to college and from home to a dorm room. It helped me identify my struggles and talk about them, from school, to friends, to self-image. I really enjoyed using LIFE Intelligence and I highly recommend it to everyone. Thank you, Dr. Chen, for giving the IME 101 students this amazing tool!

October 1, 2019

By Kellyn Langton

We hope Kellyn's story inspires more students in STEM careers!

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